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Téli Kabát Zimná Bunda Alpha Industries MA-1 ZH Back Print - Semmi - DdAprók
Alpha Industries Flight Jacket MA-1 VF 59The MA-1 VF 59 is the slim version of the regular MA-1. Although the name sounds rather enigmatic, you don't have to be Alan Turing in order to decipher it: the VF stands for "Vintage Fit," indicating that this version offers a slimmer fit than the original. The digits "59" mean that this particular item's fit is inspired by the MA-1 from 1959. Consequently, the MA-1 VF 59 is the perfect choice for anybody who want their flight jackets to fight more tightly. The VF 59 does away with the bulky appearance of the modern MA-1 to achieve a sleeker look. Other than its differing fit, the MA-1 VF 59 features the same innovative flight nylon outer shell, lining and padding as the modern version. The MA-1 VF 59 comes in the iconic sage green, black, burgundy, white, grey, blue, dark petrol, black camo, woodland camo and even gold. Pro tip: combine it with a 1950's box cut and a ballsy attitude for the best experience. SMLXL2XL3XLA727475767778B525355576062 cm
Hirdesd ingyen eladó dolgaidat, szolgáltatásaidat országos apró hirdető oldalunkon, vagy találd meg álmaid ingatlanát, autóját, állását vagy bármi egyéb vágyálmodat ezernyi hirdetés között!